Tuesday, May 08, 2007

On Monday May 7th Baar traveled on to what comes next. The rash that I wrote about in January of 2007 turned out to be autoimmune - the horrible and dreadful disease that affects many Akitas. We tried everything - from what Western medicine had to offer all the way to holistic medicine.

I did not write about our battle here for a variety of reasons. Maybe someday I will but I doubt it. What I can tell you is that our baby Baar faced this illness with the same ferocious zest of life that he faced each day. He was not alone in his final moments.

Baar was loved by so many. From strangers that would smile at his happy expression as he hung his head out of our car window to those members of his extended animal and human family that loved him best. As a foster brother he was unbelievably kind and he welcomed many animals desparate for safety into his home. He took very good care of Joe and I.

The grief I feel at the loss of my baby Baar is overwhelming. I have nothing cute or clever to offer.

Thank you for sharing in his life.

Take care