Friday, November 24, 2006

It was a quiet but enjoyable holiday. After the dog park, Joe headed down to Mahoning county to have dinner with his family. Baar and I when to my parents house for dinner and enjoyed a wonderful meal with my mom, my dad, my sister Danielle, Brutus and Mikkie and their five cats.

When we arrived, Baar and Mikkie spent some time wrestling. It is so much fun to watch them have such a great time playing together. I'm always so thankful that they get along so well and have such an amazing time when they are together. After playing for a bit, they headed over to visit with Danielle and Brutus for a few minutes.

Danielle also got to visit with one of her cats, Monster. Macey (who is also staying with my parents) stayed upstairs to avoid Baar. As you may have read in previous blog enteries, Baar is not a favorite amoung cats.

Danielle has been quite ill (hence the reason all her pets are living with my parents) and it was wonderful to have her home and in good spirits for the holiday.

Two of my parents cats - Eva and Morris refused to be intimidated by Baar. Eva backs down for no one and spent most of Thanksgiving relaxing on the arm of the couch (as shown here in a picture of her, my dad, and Danielle). Eva is primarily my dad's cat and spends as much time with him as she can.

Morris on the other hand is all about my mom. He spent some time relaxing on top of the wardrobe and stretching out above the china cabinet to tease Baar. I personally think that he didn't want to leave the downstairs for fear of missing out on Turkey. Morris is quite dedicated to getting table scraps.

The table was beatuiful. My mom purchased some Party Light candles and candle holders from someone at work and they were absolutely lovely. Party Light stuff is so expensive but I have to admit that it is really high quality. If you have the money, it's totally worth it.

After working spending all day in the kitchen, my mom was finally able to relax when we sat down to dinner. She is pictured on the right with my sister. In case you are wondering, we were eating in a heated house. Quite unlike me, my mom and sister are ALWAYS cold. My mom is sporting a lovely newfoundland cap instead of her usual ear muffs.

The meal consisted of a delicious fresh turkey, homemade gravy, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing (prepared inside the turkey - yum!) and a bag of frozen vegetables I brought instead of greenbean casserole (don't you judge me!) we scarfed down some pumpkin pie. Then my dad and sister relaxed in front of the TV. I swear this picture isn't staged - they really were sitting in the exact same position on the couch.

Baar and I took off and headed to my best friend Beth's house with Hercules, a kitten that showed up at the Under the Wing shelter in time for Thanksgiving. The photo on the right is of Hercules and Colleen, a co-worker of mine. Hercules spent the evening playing in Allie's room with her. I'm thrilled to report that Hercules was able to find a wonderful perment home with Beth's dad!
It was a lot of fun visiting with Beth and her family on Thanskgiving. Unlike my tiny family, the house was filled with several generations of people. Everyone was hanging out having fun, watching tv, talking, playing video games and of course eating too much food. Beth prepared an amazing meal with some help from Ruthie, her husbands oldest daughter.
Baar had an adventure of his own at Beth's house that he'll probably write about in his next blog entry so I'm going to keep it under wraps for now.

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